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Brian enjoyed many summers at Lake Spofford, in Chesterfield, NH with his pa- ternal grandparents, Jim and Agnes O’Donnell, parents Jim and Betty O’Don- nell, brother Hugh, and his cousins, Tom, Lauren, Sabrina, Angelina, Kristin, Todd, Tara, and Stacey.
Brian enjoyed playing recreational soccer, first for the Montclair United Soccer Club and then for the Robbinsville Soccer Asso- ciation, where he received his F Coaching License and assisted his father with coach- ing. He also earned a Level 9 Referee Li- cense and enjoyed refereeing youth games, where the coaches and especially the play- ers benefited from his kindness and sup- port during matches.
Brian will be remembered as a passionate writer of plays and short stories. He was also an avid reader with an enormous book collection, which he greatly cherished. When he loaned a book to a friend, he was relentless in reminding them that he wanted it back as soon as they read it. As the enthusiastic competitive gamer that Brian was, he brought his enthusiasm for gaming to Greg’s Games in Hamilton where he founded the Wargaming Fight Club, a gaming group with more than 170 members. Through the club, Brian created a community for his fellow hobbyists, which was welcoming, friendly, enjoyable, and inclusive to all, no matter their level of experience.
A life beautifully & passionately lived...
But tragically unfinished...

In Loving Memory of
May 7th, 1988 - October 2nd, 2020
May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again
may God hold you
in the palm of His hand.
Go n-ardóidh an bóthar chun bualadh leat.
Go mbeadh an ghaoth i gcónaí ar do chúl.
Go maire an ghrian te ar d'aghaidh;
titeann na báistí go bog ar do pháirceanna
agus go dtí go mbuailfimid arís,
go gcoinneodh Dia thú
i dtearmann a láimhe.

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